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Industrial, commercial and residential

Refrigeration · Air conditioning · Electricity

Heating · Water · Security · Communications  Energy Efficiency · Home Automation · Fire Fighting


At BRATIA we are very clear that our work is a tool for our clients to achieve their goal. For this reason, we are a family installer in which we assume the expectations of our clients, whether they are individuals, businesses or industries, as if they were our own.

We develop projects with fidelity to our principles:

Rigor in procedures, who must always be honest and respectful of people and laws. 

Constant search for excellence and quality. That's why we constantly challenge ourselves to do things well and exceed our clients' expectations.

I respect, to our clients, to the people on our team, to the companies we work with and to our environment.

Construction Worker
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We participate in the development of society.

For us, childhood is at the center of our social vision and the mark we want to leave behind.

Education is the fundamental pillar that allows the development of a society in a sustainable way.

It is the most profitable investment, since it lasts generation after generation.That is why we donate 1% of the turnover of our services for the education and development of children wherever we work.

In this way we manage to transfer to society a part of the wealth generated by industrial activity.


Successful collaborations

For more than 15 years of experience we have carried out installations for companies, businesses and individuals.
More of1 million m3 in refrigeration facilities, installations ofair conditioning in more than 1,000 homes, electrical installations in more than500 offices and shops, installations ofcontrol in cold rooms, hospitals, sports facilities and residences, among many other projects.  

In all of them, our objective has been and is to exceed the expectations of our clients with reliable and durable installations that provide comfort, safety and efficiency.


We have carried out some of these successful collaborations with: 

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To contact us we put at your disposal our telephone number, email and a form through which you can give us the details you consider and we will call you very soon.

We would be happy to work with you!

Av. Balmes, 74, Igualada (Barcelona)
+34 931354273

The personal data that you have provided to us is part of our files and is used for our operational management. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by communicating it in writing to the address

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